Happy Birthday, OSFlash!

OSFlash is one year old today! It was one year ago, near midnight on the 27th of May, that I hit the "put" button in Dreamweaver to send the site up to cyberspace. Since then, OSFlash has continued to grow rapidly and this month we are going to have more than 80,000 unique visitors. Now if only I could get all those people into a single venue with a band behind me! /m\ as John Grden would say! :)

Oh yeah, and take a look at the site and see if you see anything new!.. Ah, you noticed him did you? That's Buzzy, the OSFlash mascot! As you may remember, Jirasak Saebang from Codegent had won the OSFlash mascot contest some moons ago. Since then, Codegent have been amazing at realizing the initial Buzzy sketches I sent them and both Jirasak and Art provided a number of variations. We finally decided to go with Art's version (Art's real name, by the way, is Sillapanon Hattachanchai). A big thank-you to Luke, Art and Jirasak for making all this possible. The design change isn't limited to the Flash header so expect more changes to come as the site evolves (including a really big one.)

Another big thank-you to MSK, a brighton-based graffiti artist who designed the "Wiki" graffiti for the wall. A Wiki is cyber graffiti so it's all very fitting! :)

Also, Sönke and Nicolas have been working on a little surprise that unfortunately we haven't been able to release yet due to my tight schedule. I hope I'll be able to help out with that in the coming days.

So many people have had such important roles to play in getting OSFlash to where it is that I don't know where to begin. Sönke and Nicolas, thank you for your support from the very beginning. John, dude, what would we do without you? Luke and the whole team at Codegent -- thanks, guys -- you rock! And, most importantly, all the OSFlashers out there: Thank you for your time, effort, lively conversation and the magic that you do!
